
Software Engineer

Computer Graphics Project: Platformer Game

Half of the Computer Graphics exam grade was determined by this project, which consisted of creating a simple 3D game with platforms on which a character could jump, and a simple editor for creating a level.

Once again, I and @aleasto teamed up to tackle this project.

In short, instead of hacking together various pieces of code, we planned a clean file structure, separating engine components from the actual game implementation.

In less than a month, we had working (point, spot and directional) lights, a rough but functional collision detection/physics and raycast/mouse detection, and even a (fake) shadow which was created reusing the implementation of the spotlight.

Click here to play the DEMO

Here’s a couple of screenshots that show the final result:

Example of a game level during play mode Example of the same level but in editor mode

In particular, I worked mostly on:

At the end I now have a deeper understanding of how low-level things work in a 3D engine.


Source code and some more details are available on the GitHub repo.