
Software Engineer

PIACERE Model Checker and Synthesis of IaC

As part of my master thesis, I’ve been working on PIACERE project with prof. Matteo Pradella and Michele Chiari.

PIACERE is a DevSecOps framework running (unfortunately) on Eclipse that features its own high-level, provider-indipendent IaC language called DOML, developed at Polimi, too.

I continued the previous work of Michele Chiari and Michele De Pascalis on a Model Checker that uses the Z3 SMT solver to verify that the DOML model satisfies structural and architectural requirements.

In particular I developed a Domain Specific Language to let users write custom requirements in first-order logic, and prototyped synthesis of IaC through an SMT solver, basically generating a complete model starting from an incomplete one.

I’ve also developed additional components such as a network validator, and a (rough) proof-of-concept compatibility validator for Cloud Service Providers, which produces a compatibility matrix of model features and cloud vendors.

These tools are deployed in a microservice environment using Docker & Portainer, and I’ve configured a part of the CI/CD pipeline, too. The tool was developed in Python, later refactored to use FastAPI.

I’ve maintained the tool since November 2022 till the end of the project in November 2023.

Here are the relevant links of our work, if you are interested: